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Hervé Humbert

はじめて+1art の画廊スペースに入ったとき、日本の美学について書かれた一冊の本を思い出した。


高野 麻紀
Maki Takano


As I first entered the gallery space of +1art a few years ago, it reminded me of a book about Japanese aesthetics. Referring to the classic “In Praise of Shadows”, written in 1933 by Junichiro Tanizaki, it is almost certain that the author had in mind, as I also do, that colour and light are very closely connected. As a matter of fact, what is colour in darkness? Or under sunlight? How is colour processed? Is it the same colour when digitally generated, printed or painted? Does colour have a smell, like sounds can have a colour, as in the case of synesthesia?

Humbert has filmed very lovely, ordinary daily scenes in Japan, where I was actually born, and spent most of my live until I moved to Berlin. His film aroused mixed feelings in me, both tugging at my heart, while watching my home country and my town, but at the same time I was confused to be wondering whether it is really the place where I used to be. The answer is yes and no. This film is a travelling essay by him actually, and it is an artwork. If there were no sequences with colours between each short scene, I would have been struck in a somewhat dizzy state, struggling with my feelings.






For over 10 years now, Humbert has been interested in the boundaries and intersections between sculpture, design and interior architecture. He thinks it is undeniable that the art object is a domestic object among other everyday ones. Based on this hypothesis, he intends to create global and open works.

He graduated from the Superior Institute of Fine Arts in Besançon (ERBA) in 1994, with Post-graduate studies at the Marseille-Méditerranée School of Art and Design in 1994/1995. He has lived and worked in Berlin since 2005.

Takano began her art by painting and later creating installations. She tries to interpret and recognize an object, by attempting to measure the distance to it and through creating and understanding a relationship to an object. Since 2007, she has worked on her project “Happiness -Accident and Control”. Recently, she has often worked with words and expressions using language.

Sie graduated from Tama Art University in Tokyo in 1989 and was a research student in 1990. She lived and worked in Tokyo and Yokohama until 2006 and has since been living and working in Berlin.

aus Ausstellungseinladungsbroschur, 2020

links: “Patterns In A Chromatic Field (a Travelogue) 2019”,
Hervé Humbert

rechts: "01-08-22.48.38-01", "01-08-23.06.27-01", "01-08-23.04.18-01", Maki Takano

+1 art

見出し h1

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